Instructions for WPLL Volunteers
Step 1: Apply for and Gather All Required Clearance Documentation
Each of these are required by PA State Law for ALL volunteers.
- A Picture of Your Driver’s License
- Pennsylvania State Background Check
- Must be current within the last 5 years
- Click here and follow the steps for a new record check
- Child Abuse Clearance
- Must be current within the last 5 years
- Click here and either create an account to begin a new application or log in to your account to access a prior application or submit a new application
- FBI Clearance
- If you have lived within PA for the last 10 years, print and sign this form (Click here).
- If you have lived outside PA at some point in the last 10 years, you must complete the FBI fingerprinting process, which will require you to pay a small fee ($22.95) and visit an IdentoGO location. Click here to begin the process.
Step 2: Sign-Up to Volunteer through WPLL’s Registration System
You will not be able to complete this step unless you have all documentation from Step 1 ready to upload.
If you registered for a volunteer role before the form was updated, please follow the instructions in the slide deck.
Link to slide deck walkthrough
- Log in to your account used for registration.
- In the top right corner, click “Account” from the drop-down menu.
- Click “Volunteer” from the menu on the left side.
- Click “Find Volunteer Roles.”
- Select the volunteer role you wish to fulfill and follow the registration process, which will include uploading all of your clearances from Step 1.
Step 3: Complete Your Little League Volunteer Application
This step will also kick off the national background check through JDP that is required by Little League.
- Once all of your paperwork has been reviewed and approved by the League’s Safety Officer, you will receive an email with a link to complete your Little League Volunteer Application through JDP.
- The email will come directly from JDP (not WPLL).
- This is required annually by Little League International for all volunteers.
- While the email states it takes 15 minutes to complete, in actuality, it takes approximately 2 minutes.
Step 4: Complete Your Little League Required Child Abuse Awareness Training
- Go the the Little League Training Opportunities page.
- Click “Create Account" button if you don't have one of the "Login to Training Portal" if you do.
- At the end of the account creation there is a section to specify "Your Associated League"
- West Point Little League's ID # is 2382620

- Find the "Abuse Awareness Training" on your dashboard and complete it. Although not required, you may also complete the "Diamond Leader" training as well. This training is required to coach for All Stars.

Note: No coach or volunteer is permitted to have any contact with their team until ALL 4 Steps are completed above.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with WPLL and for helping us make this a safe, fun, and rewarding experience for the children within our community!
If you need any assistance with the steps above, please contact the WPLL Secretary: [email protected]